Lisa Samalin
Studio #:
Artist Website:


The work is autobiographical, though not literally so. I'm not a kangaroo, but I am that kangaroo in that moment. These pieces are an extension of the paper dolls I painted and cut out as a child. It is a serious kind of play. In that playing I juxtapose seemingly disparate things, placing people and animals in unexpected settings that best tell these stories.

I work in two scales, life-sized and miniaturized. Both these scales make complete worlds. The former is the scale of the world we live in, and the latter, like a snowglobe, is complete. The big canvases are unstretched to escape the grid, stay soft and not rectilinear. The small watercolor/collages are framed to encase them.

There is a heightened clarity and intensified coloration in these paintings. Even when I don't set out to up the ante coloristically, invariably I do as if I were saying, "Look how blue that is!", "Look how green!"