Mr. Zuki Pjetrovic, throughout all our interaction of acquiring studio 507 was extremely courteous , kind, helpful and professional.
The space was found clean and empty, making the process of the moving easier and faster.
A great building, peaceful and serene. Clean and very well organized.
Mr, Pjetrovic considering my necesities proceeded to give me a tour around the installations, showing me the right alternatives and different dimensions of art studios available.
I'm very happy and already established, ready to get started with my new works in a new environment in a beautiful area.
Mr. Pjetrovic, in all the extend of the word, is truly leading YOHO to a very fascinating future.
Meeting with the artists, promoting and feeding the residents of Yonkers with something that is irrefutably important, The ARTS.
Where this area in the next upcoming years, will benefit even more from this kind of opportunities being given to the community.
Thank you very much and my very best regards,
Serge Miquel